Sunday, May 16, 2021

Reverse Shoulder Replacement Mechanics

When the shoulder wears out, we sometimes have to place an artificial joint called a reverse total shoulder.  Sometimes we need to do this because of severe wearing out of the socket bone. Other times, we need to use this implant due to a chronic rotator cuff tear. This is an example of what the new shoulder looks like when we place a reverse shoulder replacement.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Shoulder Arthritis

 One of the more common problems I treat is shoulder arthritis.  This is a painful condition of the shoulder due to the breakdown of the normal gliding cartilage surfaces of the joint.  This can be due to wear and tear or injuries.  Eventually, the joint can start to form bone spurs, which are abnormal bony outgrowths at the edges of the joint.  

With a shoulder replacement, we can restore the normal mechanics of the shoulder joint.  I prefer to do a total shoulder replacement using an artificial ball and an inset glenoid.  This particular arrangement has a lot of promise for creating a long-lasting joint.  The components are made by Shoulder Innovations and they have published data showing excellent longevity.  Of course, each patient's shoulder anatomy is different and I tailor the surgery to suit their needs.  Sometimes, we need to use a different type of glenoid (socket) component.  We may also need to perform a reverse shoulder replacement.  In many cases, we are able to achieve a painless shoulder with full return to activities.